I wanna grow ageless with you. The day when you wake up in the morning, you’ll find me hold you tight.
I wanna let you make my world. The time you’re call my name and whisper.
I wanna make you my pulse. Something to keep my heart alive.
I wanna make you my sky. Something to lookup when I miss you when I don’t know where you are.
I wanna make you my stars. Something when I don’t know my way back to your heart.
I wanna make you my day. The day when I open my eyes when I wake up and realize I’m late for college and I say to myself. “It’s not so bad, I had you.”
I wanna make you my reason. The reason why I standing in the middle of rain waiting just to see your smile.
I wanna make you my breeze, something invisible that keep me fresh in the heatwave of loneliness.
Simply talking, I want to tell you that you are my reason why I’w exist.