life is good.
Juwita pagi, kau derai sayu saat senja mulai.
dayu rindu cuma cerita.
Simfoni malam, kau harum sunyi sendiri.
kilau sang penari waktu.
Nirwana hati, kau sendau riang bidadari.
turun kebumi tanpa kembali.
Gemintang sore, kau jelmaan semua tanya.
waktu jadi kekal denganmu.
Penari jiwa, kau jawaban dari hati.
jelitamu berganti, luluh berbanding hari.
Embun mata, kau kudus tanpa tanya.
senada rindu, hati tak mampu.
Kembaran kata, kemarin aku kau dia.
cuma jiwa simpan jawaban.
Orkestra memori, Kau lewati sepi.
masih simpan wajah sore.
Hujan sore, kau penat setelah hari.
Senin, 13 Desember 2010
Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010
Something invisible
“There’s something invisible between us that keep bond us together”
I said that to her when we’re in a deep trouble over a year ago. and now that “Something” is showing up once again. I have face those lability problems in these 5 months, and I always try to overcome them. and most of them are conquered by myself. and last night probably the most “Visible” of the “Something” that keep bond me and her. I dreamt about her. She doesn’t look happy in my dream, she look sad, and the I approach her, then I hug her, but she’s hug me even harder.
and then in my dream I open my FB account and open her FB page which is I am not strong enough to open it. that’s what I feared the most cuz if I open it I’m afraid I couldn’t get her outta my head. and so on in my dream I open her FB page, I saw her status update isn’t hapy at all.
And I awake by that, then I realize I can’t control my breath, my heart’s pounding all over me. and I did something that I’ve never done in these 5 months. I open her FB page. And you know what? She’s sick, She’s been sick and she’s pushing herself. I don’t know how it happen but one thing for sure, she’s way too tired. As far as I know she’s tired by her school, and other thing I don’t know. I’m starting to think “How come there’s no one who care about her who realize that she’s been pushin herself these time? Why nobody would realize that?”
I don’t know why, suddenly I just startled, shock and realize that I was the one who held a mistake. Then I ask a lot of question to myself.
“Why I didn’t strong enough for her that time?”
“Why I’m not tryin’ to be there when she needs an attention?”
“Why I left her all alone?”
and there’s more.
If last night I wasn’t dream about her, maybe I don’t even know she’s been sick. Oh my God, if this is a sign for me that she’s been thinking about me as I thinking about her, please give me a way back to her heart..
I Will be right for her..
I am unconditionally hers..
I said that to her when we’re in a deep trouble over a year ago. and now that “Something” is showing up once again. I have face those lability problems in these 5 months, and I always try to overcome them. and most of them are conquered by myself. and last night probably the most “Visible” of the “Something” that keep bond me and her. I dreamt about her. She doesn’t look happy in my dream, she look sad, and the I approach her, then I hug her, but she’s hug me even harder.
and then in my dream I open my FB account and open her FB page which is I am not strong enough to open it. that’s what I feared the most cuz if I open it I’m afraid I couldn’t get her outta my head. and so on in my dream I open her FB page, I saw her status update isn’t hapy at all.
And I awake by that, then I realize I can’t control my breath, my heart’s pounding all over me. and I did something that I’ve never done in these 5 months. I open her FB page. And you know what? She’s sick, She’s been sick and she’s pushing herself. I don’t know how it happen but one thing for sure, she’s way too tired. As far as I know she’s tired by her school, and other thing I don’t know. I’m starting to think “How come there’s no one who care about her who realize that she’s been pushin herself these time? Why nobody would realize that?”
I don’t know why, suddenly I just startled, shock and realize that I was the one who held a mistake. Then I ask a lot of question to myself.
“Why I didn’t strong enough for her that time?”
“Why I’m not tryin’ to be there when she needs an attention?”
“Why I left her all alone?”
and there’s more.
If last night I wasn’t dream about her, maybe I don’t even know she’s been sick. Oh my God, if this is a sign for me that she’s been thinking about me as I thinking about her, please give me a way back to her heart..
I Will be right for her..
I am unconditionally hers..
Kamis, 23 September 2010
Wanna Make You

I wanna grow ageless with you. The day when you wake up in the morning, you’ll find me hold you tight.
I wanna let you make my world. The time you’re call my name and whisper.
I wanna make you my pulse. Something to keep my heart alive.
I wanna make you my sky. Something to lookup when I miss you when I don’t know where you are.
I wanna make you my stars. Something when I don’t know my way back to your heart.
I wanna make you my day. The day when I open my eyes when I wake up and realize I’m late for college and I say to myself. “It’s not so bad, I had you.”
I wanna make you my reason. The reason why I standing in the middle of rain waiting just to see your smile.
I wanna make you my breeze, something invisible that keep me fresh in the heatwave of loneliness.
Simply talking, I want to tell you that you are my reason why I’w exist.
Sabtu, 04 September 2010
we're sharing the same insanity
insanity makes everyone loosing their mind
but what do you know about insanity?
it live in everyone's mind, altough not much of people admit that they're havin a syndrome.
but the main point is, we're not strong enough to admit that we're all fucked up.
need an example?
why the most people here rather looks great in front of other people than they look to themselves?
is it pride?
is it reputation?
hell no
it's insanity
an essence material of pride and reputation
we're all fucked up
don't be an ass wipe as you're not admit it
just be a good man not looking good man
but what do you know about insanity?
it live in everyone's mind, altough not much of people admit that they're havin a syndrome.
but the main point is, we're not strong enough to admit that we're all fucked up.
need an example?
why the most people here rather looks great in front of other people than they look to themselves?
is it pride?
is it reputation?
hell no
it's insanity
an essence material of pride and reputation
we're all fucked up
don't be an ass wipe as you're not admit it
just be a good man not looking good man
Jumat, 21 Mei 2010
how do you live your life?
ah, nasty little things called life..
just the same as before..
the reason why I'm still alive is looking for some peace of mind..
and there is no one yet could give me that..
some bizarre request eh?
then give me what I want, then I'm ready ti face the good Lord.
May God remain in our heart forever..
just the same as before..
the reason why I'm still alive is looking for some peace of mind..
and there is no one yet could give me that..
some bizarre request eh?
then give me what I want, then I'm ready ti face the good Lord.
May God remain in our heart forever..
Rabu, 31 Maret 2010
Laba2 – Ratu Bohong
Kau bilang cinta padaku
Kau bilang sayang padaku
Berulang kali
Membuatku mabuk kepayang
Ku percaya kata-katamu
Tapi sedikit ragu padamu
Sampai akhirnya
Ku tahu semuanya palsu
Layaknya seperti putri raja
Kau anggun mempesona didepanku
Tapi dibelakangku kau bermain gila
Dasar kamu bohong kamu ratu bohong
Bilangnya cinta bilangnya sayang
Tapi mengapa ku lihat kau sedang berdua
Dasar kamu bohong kamu ratu bohong
Bilangnya cinta bilangnya sayang
Tapi mengapa tingkahmu seperti buaya
Anehnya sedikitpun
Ku tak merasakan sakit hati
Karena ku tahu kau memang ratu bohong
Oh no no no o…
Layaknya seperti putri raja
Kau anggun mempesona didepanku
Tapi dibelakangku kau bermain gila
Back to Reff: 2x
Dasar kamu bohong ratu bohong 4x
Rabu, 06 Januari 2010
udah berbulanbulan jalani hubungan trapi belum pernah dapet sikap yg berani membuktikan kl kita tuh milikihubungan kl di dpan umum..
apa sih yang ada di pikiran dia???
sakiiiiittt man!!!!
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